ich liebe dich translation English

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The phrase gets more common when the age difference becomes bigger. Den letzten Absatz, denn das beste kommt zum Schluss, möchte ich der Person schreiben die mich dazu bewegt hat zu kommentieren — dir!

Wer so ein Empfinden hat kann sich glücklich Schätzen, denn es bedeutet nicht nur das er jemanden hat der an ihn glaubt und da ist, sondern das er mit sich selbst zurecht kommt. Edit: It can be used outside the family circle, among friends in a very affectionate way, but only towards someone who knows exactly how you mean it, unless you want to risk misunderstandings.

SMS Sprüche: Ich liebe Dich - Es war dein Plan B.

The good part of it is, that today she's my wife, so no harm done. The difference is hard, if not impossible, to translate to English, or only with some extra language acrobatics; but in German, there is indeed a difference. Saying it to mere friends or acquaintances would be inappropriate ich liebe dich ich liebe dich. Edit: It can be used outside the family circle, among friends in a very affectionate way, but only towards someone who knows exactly how you mean it, unless you want to risk misunderstandings. It is the unambiguous declaration of love. Or is someone who uses god beware. It's just that the difference isn't as strict as this answer suggests. Males would only use it towards their girlfriends, not towards each other even for close friends. That also is just my experience as a native speaker. In German you can say it these ways again ordered from weak to strong : Ich mag dich. If you are creative, you will find even more shades in both languages. The phrase gets more common when the age difference becomes bigger. Caring is a strong motive of that phrase. It is a much stronger phrase with the emphasis on being and staying together. Ich habe dich lieb is something a little girl would say to her mommy. Ich liebe dich is the ultimate expression of emotion a person can make towards another and is used sparingly, as it easily comes across as pointlessly melodramatic. A little girl would only use that towards her mother if she had watched too many cheezy, badly translated Hollywood rom coms. It is also used less seriously in friendships, cravings, and advertising, e. As already mentioned Ich habe dich lieb is a not so strong version of love. I use this phrase with my ich liebe dich ich liebe dich other, as well as with my parents, siblings and close extended family. This might be a case of many-to-one translations, rather than 1-to-1. This heavily skews the results. I interpreted that as the confession, that she loves me and I wrote back some happy answer, which resulted in confusion, since she only wanted to express, that she likes me very much, but was not intending to say Ich lieb dich!. So you see, not only non-Germans have trouble in understanding the difference … at least, it turned out well, since she is my wife now for many years. If anyone ever saw the movie die Ehe von Maria Braun, there was this same confusion during her trial. There are even differences in usage from High German to Low German … North and South the different dialects place emphasis on words and combinations differently. I was born there … learned German first and then learned English. English doesn't share this concept linguistically, but philosophically it's easy: Big L versus little l.

Gio - Ich liebe dich mein Schatz.
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